Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in System Brain Research (CLARA)

International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center, zapsaný ústav

Referenční číslo 30402140708
Zveřejněno / Aktualizováno 03.12.2024 / 06.12.2024
Mzda od - do 100.000 Kč - 150.000 Kč / Měsíc
Počet hodin týdně
Pracovněprávní vztah Pracovní poměr - plný úvazek
Firma International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center, zapsaný ústav Všechny inzeráty , IČO: 11883383 Rejstřík
Pracoviště International Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Center, zapsaný ústav
Adresa pracoviště Praha Zobrazit na mapě
Kraj Hlavní město Praha
Kontaktní pracoviště ÚP Krajská pobočka pro hlavní město Prahu
Termín zahájení pracovního poměru 01.03.2025
Minimální požadované vzdělání Vysokoškolské doktorské vzdělání
Směnnost Jednosměnný
Upřesňující informace Bojana Omersel Weeks, e-mail: [email protected]

Candidates are expected to:
o Take the responsibility for the scientific, financial, and operational management of CLARA and to represent CLARA;
o Manage the administrative and professional work and operations of the Centre;
o Organize and coordinate the work process and implement the decisions and advices of the CLARA Supervisory Board;
o Hire personnel and make personnel decisions;
o Define roles and positions as necessary to ensure the successful operation of the Centre and, if necessary, propose modifications of the Act on the organization of positions;

o To set and evolve the relations with national and pan-European networks in the respective field;
o Adopt the internal rules of the institution;
o Acquire external funding and collaborate with other researchers and specialists in academia or industry;
o Be an inspiring contribution to our staff.
Requirements for the position:
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
o PhD degree in Computer Science, Informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, SSH or related disciplines;
o At least 10 years of professional experience in a field related to the CLARA areas of research and/or R&D management
o Excellent record of scientific results and/or innovations in relevant fields and/or experience in managing large scale scientific research and development projects;
o Experience and proven ability to lead, coordinate, and organize international and interdisciplinary projects and teams;
o Experience in serving on the international boards of organizations;
o Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English;
o High motivation for implementing own visions;
o Team player with the ability to communicate and eager to look for and exploit synergies INDRC and its network provides.

o Competitive salary with possible performance-based raises;
o Opportunity to lead prestigious European project;
o Flexible work schedules can be arranged
Kontaktní údaje:
Jméno Bojana Omersel Weeks
Email [email protected]
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